Ayam Asia BBQ & Steamboat

Ayam Asia BBQ & Steamboat is close to Bintulu, Bintulu, Sarawak, 97000

  • Address: No. 7311 Ground Floor Medan Raya Jalan, 97000 Tanjung Kidurong, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 86-334 268
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 3.1997429, 113.0566187

Ayam Asia BBQ & Steamboat, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 5:30 11 PM
Monday 5:30 11 PM
Tuesday 5:30 11 PM
Wednesday 5:30 11 PM
Thursday 5:30 11 PM
Friday 5:30 11 PM for the week
Saturday 5:30 11 PM
Ayam Asia BBQ & Steamboat reviews

If you're looking for the best flavors for steamboat, this is the perfect place for you. Everything is well-marinated and the portion is good. Ambience wise, it's just so-so as compared to other Steamboat restaurant in Bintulu. Service is average.

Great place to have a hot pot with friends g the staff is everywhere to assist you.

Love the love the place nice place to chill and becareful when you eat just take what you need...dont left food or you will charge rm10 per 100gram

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