Bangkok Lane Landmark

Bangkok Lane Landmark is close to Palanquinn, 20, Bangkok Lane, Pulau Tikus, George Town, North-East, Penang, 10250

  • Address: 24a, Lorong Bangkok, George Town, 10250 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.4319668, 100.3127078

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Bangkok Lane Landmark reviews

This is a classic place.. the wrong parking will be su …

2023-09-09 Lina

I visited Bangkok Lane Landmark on a weekend and it was packed with tourists. The parking situation was a mess and it took forever to find a spot. It was frustrating and definitely impacted my experience.

2023-09-09 Ali

I love the ambiance and decor of Bangkok Lane Landmark. It has a charming and nostalgic feel to it. Walking through the lane feels like stepping back in time.

2023-09-09 Nora

The customer service at Bangkok Lane Landmark was exceptional. The staff members were friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable. They made me feel welcome and provided great recommendations.

2023-09-24 Adam

I didn't have to wait long to enter Bangkok Lane Landmark. The staff efficiently managed the crowd and ensured a smooth entry for everyone. I appreciate the organization and promptness.

2023-09-29 Sarah

Overall, my experience at Bangkok Lane Landmark was fantastic. The historical significance of the place, combined with the friendly staff and beautiful surroundings, made it a memorable visit. I highly recommend it.

2023-10-04 Daniel

I feel that Bangkok Lane Landmark is slightly overpriced for what it offers. While the experience is enjoyable, I believe there are other historical landmarks in the area that provide better value for money.

2023-10-09 Aishah

When I first arrived at Bangkok Lane Landmark, I was immediately impressed by the atmosphere. The lane has a cozy and inviting feel, and the architecture is beautiful. It sets the tone for a memorable experience.

2023-10-14 Ahmad

The quality of the products and services at Bangkok Lane Landmark is top-notch. From the informative guided tours to the delicious food at the on-site cafe, everything exceeded my expectations.

2023-10-19 Nabilah

The facilities and amenities at Bangkok Lane Landmark are well-maintained and clean. There are clean restrooms available, as well as comfortable seating areas for visitors to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

2023-10-24 Kamal

I had a fantastic initial impression of Bangkok Lane Landmark. The moment I stepped into the lane, I was transported to a different time. The attention to detail and preservation of the historical elements is commendable.

2023-10-29 Zara

Bangkok Lane Landmark offers great value for money. The entry fee is reasonable considering the historical significance of the place and the overall experience it provides. I highly recommend visiting.

2023-11-03 Aiman

I had a mixed experience at Bangkok Lane Landmark. While the atmosphere and architecture were impressive, I found the wait time for the guided tour to be quite long. It took away some of the excitement.

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