courier services

courier services is close to Jalan Pasir Mas - Tanah Merah, Pasir Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan, 17000

  • Address: Kedai No. 2, Lot 2388, Kampung Kangkong, 17040 Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.9989437, 102.1857988

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courier services reviews
2023-09-10 Mohammed

The customer service was excellent. The staff was very helpful and friendly. They answered all my questions and made sure I was satisfied with their service.

2023-09-10 Siti

I was disappointed with the quality of the products/service. The courier company delivered my package late and it was damaged when I received it. I expected better quality from them.

2023-09-10 Chong

The wait time for my delivery was longer than expected. I had to wait for hours before receiving my package. It was frustrating and inconvenient.

2023-09-25 Jessie

Overall, my experience with the courier service was positive. The staff was professional and the delivery was on time. I would use their service again.

2023-09-30 Ahmad

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of the courier company. The office was clean and organized, and the staff greeted me warmly.

2023-10-05 Aisyah

I had a personal experience where the courier company lost my package. It was a hassle to deal with the situation and I had to wait for a long time for them to resolve it.

2023-10-10 Lim

The ambiance and decor of the courier company was average. It was nothing special and didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

2023-10-15 David

The value for money was good. The price of the service was reasonable and I felt like I got what I paid for.

2023-10-20 Fadzilah

The facilities and amenities provided by the courier company were basic. There was nothing exceptional or luxurious about them.

2023-10-25 Alex

The customer service was terrible. The staff was rude and unhelpful. They didn't answer my questions and I felt like they didn't care about me as a customer.

2023-10-30 Fatimah

The quality of the products/service was great. The courier company delivered my package in perfect condition and on time. I was very satisfied with their service.

2023-11-04 Lee

The wait time for my delivery was short. I received my package within the expected timeframe and didn't have to wait for too long.

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