Darul Bakti

Darul Bakti is close to 1 Jalan Kota Belud-Kudat, Kota Belud, Kota Belud, West Coast Division, Sabah, 89158

  • Address: Jalan Kudat Lama, 89150 Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 16-290 9750
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 6.3570577, 116.4363952

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Darul Bakti reviews


2023-10-01 Amanda

Darul Bakti Orphanage provides a great atmosphere and ambiance for the children. The decor is warm and inviting, and it feels like a home away from home.

2023-10-01 Adam

I was impressed with Darul Bakti Orphanage from the moment I walked in. The staff were welcoming and friendly, and the overall atmosphere was positive and uplifting.

2023-10-01 Sophia

I didn't have to wait long when I visited Darul Bakti Orphanage. They were expecting me and had reserved a spot for me. The whole process was organized and efficient.

2023-10-16 Daniel

My personal experience at Darul Bakti Orphanage was unforgettable. I volunteered there for a week and got to interact with the children. It was a rewarding and eye-opening experience.

2023-10-21 Olivia

The value for money at Darul Bakti Orphanage is exceptional. They provide excellent care and support for the children at an affordable cost.

2023-10-26 Ethan

Overall, my experience at Darul Bakti Orphanage was incredible. The facilities were well-maintained, and the amenities provided were top-notch.

2023-10-31 Isabella

The quality of products and services offered by Darul Bakti Orphanage is outstanding. They go above and beyond to ensure the children's wellbeing and happiness.

2023-11-05 Liam

The customer service at Darul Bakti Orphanage is exceptional. The staff are friendly, accommodating, and always willing to help.

2023-11-10 Mia

The staff at Darul Bakti Orphanage are dedicated and passionate about their work. They truly care for the children and create a supportive environment for them.

2023-11-15 Noah

The ambiance and decor at Darul Bakti Orphanage is cozy and welcoming. The children are surrounded by a warm and nurturing environment.

2023-11-20 Emily

I had a wonderful experience at Darul Bakti Orphanage. The staff were attentive and made sure every aspect of my visit was enjoyable.

2023-11-25 Lucas

The facilities and amenities at Darul Bakti Orphanage are excellent. The children have access to a variety of resources and activities to keep them engaged and happy.

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