Football Field

Football Field is close to Jalan Sibu 14, Taman Wahyu, Batu, Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur, 52000

  • Address: Taman Wahyu, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 3.2145369, 101.6705029

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Football Field reviews
2023-09-20 Siti

The staff at Football Field Soccer field were friendly and helpful. They gave us clear instructions on how to reserve a field and answered all our questions. Great customer service!

2023-09-20 Ahmad

We had to wait for quite a while before we could play on the field. It would be better if they could improve the wait time and make sure reservations are managed properly.

2023-09-20 Aishah

I had a great overall experience at Football Field Soccer field. The field was well-maintained and the facilities were clean. The staff were friendly and the atmosphere was enjoyable.

2023-10-05 Abdul

The facilities at Football Field Soccer field were top-notch. The field was well-maintained and they provided us with all the necessary equipment. Value for money!

2023-10-10 Zara

I was disappointed with the quality of the products and services at Football Field Soccer field. The field was not in great condition and the equipment provided was old and worn out.

2023-10-15 Farhan

I had a wonderful experience at Football Field Soccer field. The staff were friendly and the facilities were clean and well-maintained. The field was in great condition and the atmosphere was lively.

2023-10-20 Sarah

Football Field Soccer field has a great ambiance and decor. The field is surrounded by beautiful scenery and the atmosphere is very relaxing. Perfect place to play soccer.

2023-10-25 Aryan

My initial impression of Football Field Soccer field was not great. The field looked old and neglected. However, once we started playing, I realized that the field was in good condition and the overall atmosphere was enjoyable.

2023-10-30 Amira

The wait time at Football Field Soccer field was long and frustrating. We had to wait for almost an hour before we could start playing. They need to improve their reservation system and manage the wait time better.

2023-11-04 Irfan

Football Field Soccer field provided us with all the necessary facilities and amenities. The field was well-maintained and they had clean restrooms and changing rooms. Great value for money!

2023-11-09 Ziya

I had a fantastic overall experience at Football Field Soccer field. The staff were friendly and accommodating, and the facilities were clean and well-maintained. The field was in great condition and the atmosphere was energetic.

2023-11-14 Muhammad

The customer service at Football Field Soccer field was excellent. The staff were helpful and attentive, and they made sure we had everything we needed. Highly recommend!

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