Hijayu 3B Elvina Community Park

Hijayu 3B Elvina Community Park is close to Hijayu 3, Bandar Seri Sendayan, Seremban, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, 71950

  • Address: 70300 Siliau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 2.6712077, 101.8624311

Hijayu 3B Elvina Community Park, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 5 AM 1 AM
Monday 5 AM 1 AM
Tuesday 5 AM 1 AM
Wednesday 5 AM 1 AM
Thursday 5 AM 1 AM
Friday 5 AM 1 AM
Saturday 5 AM 1 AM for the week
Hijayu 3B Elvina Community Park reviews

Amazing park with great view during sunset!

Surely a nice park for the housing community folks.

You guys should update the streets here. It's rather empty on the map. Some roads are there but it's not complete.

2023-09-25 Li Ying

Amazing park with great view during sunset!

2023-09-25 Farhan

Surely a nice park for the housing community folks.

2023-09-25 Siti

You guys should update the streets here. It's rather empty on the map. Some roads are there but it's not complete.

2023-10-10 Ahmad

The park has great facilities and amenities. The community garden is well-maintained and inviting.

2023-10-15 Nurul

The staff at the community garden were friendly and helpful. They provided assistance when needed.

2023-10-20 Yusuf

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of the community garden. It felt peaceful and relaxing.

2023-10-25 Aishah

The value for money at the community garden is worth it. The facilities and services provided are top-notch.

2023-10-30 Zaid

The ambiance and decor of the community garden is beautiful. It adds to the overall experience.

2023-11-04 Adila

The wait time at the community garden is reasonable. I didn't have to wait too long for my turn.

2023-11-09 Imran

The customer service at the community garden is excellent. The staff are attentive and responsive to our needs.

2023-11-14 Aina

The community garden is a great place to spend time with family and friends. We had a wonderful overall experience.

2023-11-19 Adam

The community garden needs more street lights. It can be quite dark at night.

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