Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler

Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler is close to Jalan Pasir Merah, Taman Sinfar, Ipoh, Kinta, Perak, 31650

  • Address: 82, Jalan Pasir Merah, Kampung Pasir Puteh Baharu, 31650 Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 5-321 9336
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 4.5680336, 101.0788117

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Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler reviews

Bad customer service

2023-09-21 Faizah

I had a terrible experience with Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler Fruit and vegetable wholesaler. The customer service was rude and unhelpful. They did not provide any assistance when I had questions about their products. I will not be returning to this wholesaler again.

2023-09-21 Azman

The quality of the products at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler is subpar. I have purchased fruits and vegetables from them multiple times and have consistently been disappointed with the freshness and taste. I would not recommend this wholesaler for anyone who wants high-quality produce.

2023-09-21 Nurul

My overall experience with Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler was not great. The ambiance and decor of the store were unappealing and did not make me want to stay and shop. Additionally, the wait time to be served was long and there were no reservations available. I was also disappointed with the lack of facilities and amenities in the store.

2023-10-06 Ahmad

I was not impressed with the customer service and staff at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler. The staff seemed disinterested and did not provide any helpful information when I asked questions. It felt like they just wanted to get through the transaction without putting any effort into making the customer feel valued.

2023-10-11 Siti

My initial impression of Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler was not positive. The atmosphere in the store felt dull and uninspiring. I did not feel excited or motivated to shop there. Additionally, the value for money was not great as the prices were high for the quality of the produce.

2023-10-16 Mohd

I had a terrible experience with the customer service at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler. The staff were rude and unhelpful when I asked for assistance. They seemed bothered by my questions and did not provide any useful information. I would not recommend this wholesaler to anyone.

2023-10-21 Fatin

The quality of the products at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler is below average. I have found that the fruits and vegetables are often not fresh and have a short shelf life. It is disappointing to spend money on produce that goes bad quickly.

2023-10-26 Imran

The customer service and staff at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler were unhelpful and unfriendly. They did not take the time to assist me when I had questions about their products. It felt like they were just going through the motions and did not care about the customers.

2023-10-31 Lisa

I was not impressed with the ambiance and decor of Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler. The store felt plain and uninviting. It did not have a welcoming atmosphere that made me want to spend time shopping there.

2023-11-05 Rizal

The wait time at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler was long and frustrating. There were not enough staff members to assist customers, resulting in long queues and wait times. This made the shopping experience more stressful and time-consuming than it needed to be.

2023-11-10 Nadia

I had a terrible experience with the customer service at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler. The staff were rude and unhelpful. They did not provide any assistance when I had questions about their products or recommendations for what to buy. I will not be returning to this wholesaler again.

2023-11-15 Adnan

The value for money at Hock Fatt Vegetables Wholesaler is poor. The prices are high for the quality of the produce. I have found better deals and higher-quality produce at other wholesalers. I would not recommend shopping here.

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