Hong Tun Agriculture Sdn Bhd

Hong Tun Agriculture Sdn Bhd is close to Jalan Permatang Rambai, Taman Penaga Permai, Permatang Rambai, Penaga, North Seberang Perai District, Seberang Perai, Penang, 13100

  • Address: 581, Jalan Permatang Rambai, Kampung Permatang Rambai, 13100 Penaga, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 12-585 7937
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.5217848, 100.3981211

Hong Tun Agriculture Sdn Bhd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Monday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM 6 PM for the week
Wednesday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Friday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM 6 PM
Hong Tun Agriculture Sdn Bhd reviews
2023-09-06 Amanda

The ambiance and decor at Hong Tun Agriculture is really charming. The rustic design and greenery create a peaceful atmosphere.

2023-09-06 Benjamin

I was impressed with the overall atmosphere at Hong Tun Agriculture. It felt welcoming and relaxing.

2023-09-06 Chloe

The staff at Hong Tun Agriculture were friendly and helpful. They provided excellent customer service.

2023-09-21 Daniel

The facilities at Hong Tun Agriculture are top-notch. They have well-maintained equipment and a comfortable waiting area.

2023-09-26 Emily

I had a great personal experience at Hong Tun Agriculture. The staff answered all my questions and helped me select the best products for my needs.

2023-10-01 Fiona

Overall, I had a wonderful experience at Hong Tun Agriculture. The ambiance, customer service, and quality of products were all excellent.

2023-10-06 George

The wait time at Hong Tun Agriculture was minimal. I didn't need to make a reservation and was able to get assistance right away.

2023-10-11 Hannah

The value for money at Hong Tun Agriculture is great. The prices are reasonable and the products are of high quality.

2023-10-16 Isaac

The quality of products at Hong Tun Agriculture is exceptional. I was impressed with the freshness and variety of produce available.

2023-10-21 Jessica

The ambiance and decor at Hong Tun Agriculture is lovely. It's a great place to relax and enjoy nature.

2023-10-26 Kevin

The staff at Hong Tun Agriculture were attentive and knowledgeable. They provided excellent customer service and answered all my questions.

2023-10-31 Laura

I had a fantastic overall experience at Hong Tun Agriculture. The staff were friendly, the facilities were clean, and the products were top-notch.

How would you rate your experience? Hong Tun Agriculture Sdn Bhd?
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