Hotel Labuk

Hotel Labuk is close to Jalan Lima, Bandar Sandakan, Sandakan District, Sabah, 90708

  • Address: 23, Lebuh Tiga, Pusat Bandar Sandakan, 90000 Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.8392201, 118.1165911

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Hotel Labuk reviews

Highly recommeded. Parking, hygine, safety are no worry. Need help just ring the room service. Price are reasonable..

2023-10-09 Muhammad

Highly recommended. Parking, hygiene, safety are no worry. Need help just ring the room service. Prices are reasonable.

2023-10-09 Nurul

I had a great experience staying at Hotel Labuk. The staff were friendly and helpful. The rooms were clean and comfortable. Overall, it was a pleasant stay.

2023-10-09 Ahmad

The ambiance and decor of Hotel Labuk were impressive. The design was modern and stylish. I really enjoyed the atmosphere.

2023-10-24 Siti

The quality of the services provided by Hotel Labuk was excellent. The room service was quick and efficient. Overall, I was very satisfied.

2023-10-29 Aziz

I had a personal experience at Hotel Labuk. The staff went above and beyond to ensure that I had a comfortable stay. They were attentive to my needs and provided excellent service.

2023-11-03 Hidayah

The value for money at Hotel Labuk was great. The prices were reasonable, and I felt that I received a lot for what I paid. I would definitely stay there again.

2023-11-08 Iskandar

The customer service and staff at Hotel Labuk were outstanding. They were friendly, professional, and always willing to assist. I was very impressed with their level of service.

2023-11-13 Farah

The facilities and amenities at Hotel Labuk were top-notch. They had everything I needed for a comfortable stay, including a gym, pool, and restaurant. I was very satisfied.

2023-11-18 Zainab

My initial impression of Hotel Labuk was excellent. The lobby was grand and welcoming, and the overall atmosphere was luxurious. I felt like I was staying at a high-end hotel.

2023-11-23 Rizwan

Overall, I had a great experience at Hotel Labuk. The wait time for check-in was minimal, and the staff were efficient. I would definitely recommend this hotel to others.

2023-11-28 Fatin

The reservations process at Hotel Labuk was smooth and hassle-free. I was able to book my room easily and received a confirmation email promptly. I was happy with the service.

2023-12-03 Rahman

Hotel Labuk exceeded my expectations. The cleanliness was impeccable, and I felt safe and secure throughout my stay. The prices were also very reasonable. I would stay there again.

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