Kahang Batu 22 Health Clinic

Kahang Batu 22 Health Clinic is close to Jalan Kluang-Jemaluang, Kahang, Kluang, Johor, 86700

  • Address: Batu 22, Jalan Mersing, Kahang Kluang, 86000, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 7-788 1229
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 2.2161511, 103.5410247

Kahang Batu 22 Health Clinic, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 8 AM 5 PM
Monday 8 AM 5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM 5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM 5 PM for the week
Thursday 8 AM 3:30 PM
Kahang Batu 22 Health Clinic reviews

Kahang batu health and dental clinic 22

The place is clean, the staff are all …

2023-09-11 Siti

The place is clean, the staff are all friendly and attentive

2023-09-11 Ahmad

I had to wait for almost 2 hours before I was seen by a doctor

2023-09-11 Nurul

The facilities and amenities are basic but sufficient

2023-09-26 Zainal

The customer service is excellent, the staff are knowledgeable and helpful

2023-10-01 Azura

The initial impression of the clinic was positive, it had a clean and welcoming atmosphere

2023-10-06 Rizwan

The prices at the clinic are reasonable and affordable

2023-10-11 Nadia

I had a great experience at the clinic, the staff were friendly and the service was quick

2023-10-16 Amin

The quality of the dental services at the clinic was top-notch

2023-10-21 Huda

The ambiance and decor of the clinic are modern and comfortable

2023-10-26 Arif

Overall, my experience at the clinic was positive and I would recommend it to others

2023-10-31 Fiza

I had to wait for a long time to make a reservation at the clinic

2023-11-05 Razif

The clinic has a wide range of services and the staff are knowledgeable and professional

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