KB Land Bowling

KB Land Bowling is close to Grand Renai Kota Bharu Hotel, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Taman Hilal, Kota Bharu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, 15990

  • Address: L4 , Kompleks Kota Sri Mutiara , Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra , 15200 Kota Bahru , Kelantan, 15200, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 12-880 5323
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 6.1135919, 102.2494618

KB Land Bowling, opening hours today

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KB Land Bowling reviews

Played on lanes 4 & 5. But unfortunately the lanes were very dry. Bad news for hook bowlers. I played with my own reactive ball & it gets very dirty after a few throws. Be prepared to use plastic balls if you want to enjoy playing here. Otherwise, other then the dry lane, it was ok.

I've experienced the worst unprofessionalism of the front dest staff on 26/10/2022, we booked 2 lane, were interrupted by the staff multiple times. And in the midst of the game, they insist us on changing lane. Which is so unprofessional. …

My first time playing bowling. Clean place and had kids play nursery also in same area. Ticket is rm15 perperson and compulsory to rent the shoes. It's appropriate for girl to wear sport outfit.

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