Lahad Datu Airport

Lahad Datu Airport is close to Lahad Datu Airport Terminal, Jalan Lapangan Terbang Lahad Datu, Lahad Datu, Lahad Datu, Tawau Division, Sabah, 91100

  • Address: Lahad Datu Airport, Jalan Bypass, Sabah, 91108 Lahad Datu, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 89-881 033
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.0289956, 118.3289195

Lahad Datu Airport, opening hours today

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Lahad Datu Airport reviews

The smallest airport I ever seen. Welcoming staff.

Airport at Lahad Datu, only Mas Airlines (Mas Wings) currently available due to smaller size area.

Lahad Datu Airport is just small domestic airport, very few flight arrives and depart from here mostly from within Sabah, the only commercial airlines operating here is Maswing and they only use ATR plane the type that using propeller …

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