Lahad Datu Road Transport Department

Lahad Datu Road Transport Department is close to Lahad Datu, Lahad Datu, Sabah, 91110

  • Address: Jalan Lahad Datu, 91100 Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 89-883 922
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.0284156, 118.3201221

Lahad Datu Road Transport Department, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 7:45 AM 2:45 PM
Tuesday 7:45 AM 2:45 PM
Wednesday 7:45 AM 2:45 PM
Thursday 7:45 AM 2:45 PM
Friday 7:45 AM 2:45 PM
Lahad Datu Road Transport Department reviews

I don't know what to say about their service.... Come at 10.15 wait until 11.46 still didn't get a number... When asked the security they say only 1 counter open.... But if look at the staff park.... It's full.... Funny right.... ???????????? …

stop by today... want to thumb for 'tukar hak milik' or other name for that process... arrived at 1.30pm, bcoz counter only will open at 2pm... ehh... 2 times take no.... thats new...its ok unfortunately... at 2 pm... still didnt have my …

Good service

2023-09-22 Norazlina

I don't know what to say about their service.... Come at 10.15 wait until 11.46 still didn't get a number... When asked the security they say only 1 counter open.... But if look at the staff park.... It's full.... Funny right.... ????????????

2023-09-22 Anis

stop by today... want to thumb for 'tukar hak milik' or other name for that process... arrived at 1.30pm, bcoz counter only will open at 2pm... ehh... 2 times take no.... thats new...its ok unfortunately... at 2 pm... still didnt have my

2023-09-22 Adam

Good service

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