Lahad Datu Science Secondary School

Lahad Datu Science Secondary School is close to Lahad Datu, Sabah

  • Address: 90000 Lahad Datu, Sabah, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.0936913, 118.2525367

Lahad Datu Science Secondary School, opening hours today

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Lahad Datu Science Secondary School reviews

A fully residential science secondary school

I love this place ???????? …

Peaceful and quiet atmosp …

2023-09-26 Ahmad

I love this place

2023-09-26 Siti

Peaceful and quiet atmosphere

2023-09-26 Ali

Great facilities and amenities

2023-10-11 Nor

Friendly and helpful staff

2023-10-16 Lina

Amazing overall experience

2023-10-21 Azizah

Nice initial impression and atmosphere

2023-10-26 Rahman

Beautiful decor and ambiance

2023-10-31 Aisyah

Good value for money

2023-11-05 Hasan

Prompt service and short wait time

2023-11-10 Farah

Excellent quality of products/services

2023-11-15 Zainal

Some reservations for certain services

2023-11-20 Nurul

Overall good experience

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