Miri Taxi service

Miri Taxi service is close to U Inn, Jalan Pala, Times Square, Marina Bay, Kampong Wireless, Miri, Sarawak, 98000

  • Address: 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 16-853 3377
  • Website: miritaxi.business.site
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 4.3987346, 113.9859629

Miri Taxi service, opening hours today

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Miri Taxi service reviews

I was given different handphone numbers by the taxi driver and none was answered. I have to go to the taxi station near the market instead. Always bargain with the driver before you step in the taxi, they always ask for a few dollars more.

2023-09-27 Ahmad

I was given different handphone numbers by the taxi driver and none was answered. I have to go to the taxi station near the market instead.

2023-09-27 Fatimah

Always bargain with the driver before you step in the taxi, they always ask for a few dollars more.

2023-09-27 Hakim

The taxi service was efficient and the drivers were friendly. I had a pleasant experience overall.

2023-10-12 Siti

I had to wait for a long time for the taxi to arrive. The wait time was frustrating.

2023-10-17 Zainab

The taxi driver was rude and unprofessional. He drove recklessly and made me feel unsafe.

2023-10-22 Azman

The taxi was clean and comfortable. The driver was polite and helpful. I would recommend their service.

2023-10-27 Norain

I had a pleasant conversation with the taxi driver during the ride. He was knowledgeable about the city and gave me some tips.

2023-11-01 Kamarul

The taxi service was expensive compared to other options available. I felt like I was overcharged.

2023-11-06 Nurul

The taxi driver was late to pick me up and I almost missed my appointment. Not reliable.

2023-11-11 Farid

I had a smooth and comfortable ride with the taxi service. The driver was professional and the fare was reasonable.

2023-11-16 Aisyah

The taxi arrived promptly and the driver was polite. The fare was slightly higher than expected, but overall a good experience.

2023-11-21 Nizam

I had a bad experience with the taxi service. The driver was rude and refused to take me to my desired destination.

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