Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church

Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church is close to Penang Ephphatha Deaf Chruch, Medan Angsana 1, Farlim Business Centre, Bandar Baru Air Itam (Farlim), Air Itam, North-East, Penang, 11500

  • Address: 8-2, Medan Angsana 1, Bandar Baru Air Itam, 11500 Bandar Baru, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.3906208, 100.2841816

Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 9 AM 4:30 PM
Wednesday 8 9 PM
Friday 8 PM 10 AM for the week
Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church reviews

The Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church is wonderful! The preacher gives clear and understandable teachings about God's word. God is truly amazing! …

Since I was young student at school and I believe in Jesus Christ for salvation and my friend to guide me to Penang Epnphatha Deaf Church with each other.When I am serve to The Lord Day until now and I am happy and learn my life,serve to Pastor and warm love to other deaf peoples.God is Almighty!!!!God’s word and God’s Wonderful ❤️

Thank you LORD salvation me through to Penang Ephphatha Deaf Church. May LORD blessing and health on everyone Pastor Kim & Mrs Yoo & member PEDC. ???????? …

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