Public toilet Sg Tenggang

Public toilet Sg Tenggang is close to Pekan Sungai Tenggang, Sri Aman, Sri Aman Division, Sarawak

  • Address: Sungai Tenggang, 94800 Simanggang, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.0805114, 111.0582046

Public toilet Sg Tenggang, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 6 AM 6 PM
Monday 6 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 6 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 6 AM 6 PM
Thursday 6 AM 6 PM
Friday 6 AM 6 PM for the week
Saturday 6 AM 6 PM
Public toilet Sg Tenggang reviews

Satisfied, clean and tidy, not like previous years ????, don't overload your mind thinking about that's, just stop by..if not you Will found the crowded one at Lachau ✌️, me I prefer here. …

Most of the time tap runs dry here and users need to fetch water from an additional supplementary water storage tank at the front of the toilet. Generally it is well kept and clean.

Better and cleaner toilet stop than Lachau. Don't forget to stop for lunch or early dinner at the popular duck paklo still run by an old-timer.

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