Public Works Department Kerian

Public Works Department Kerian is close to Jalan Pejabat, Taman Raja Sir Chulan, Pekan Lama, Parit Buntar, Kerian, Perak, 34200

  • Address: Jalan Pejabat, Kampung Permatang Tok Mamat, 34200 Parit Buntar, Perak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 5-716 4040
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.1319278, 100.4903236

Public Works Department Kerian, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 8 AM 5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM 5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM 5 PM for the week
Thursday 8 AM 5 PM
Friday 8 AM 5 PM
Public Works Department Kerian reviews

A fresh look with the new paint job

I have complained twice about the grass plants around the side of the Jalan Siakap drain. But until today there is still no activity. I hope you can take immediate action because the current rainy season will cause flooding here. So m …

2023-09-06 Siti

A fresh look with the new paint job.

2023-09-06 Ahmad

I have complained twice about the grass plants around the side of the Jalan Siakap drain. But until today there is still no activity. I hope you can take immediate action because the current rainy season will cause flooding here. So m …

2023-09-06 Hassan

The public works department has improved with the new paint job. The building looks much better now.

2023-09-21 Nurul

The customer service at the public works department is quick and efficient. The staff are helpful and knowledgeable.

2023-09-26 Mohammed

The facilities at the public works department are clean and well-maintained. The amenities are also sufficient for the needs of the customers.

2023-10-01 Farah

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of the public works department. The place is well-organized and has a professional feel to it.

2023-10-06 Razif

The value for money at the public works department is good. The prices are reasonable for the quality of products and services offered.

2023-10-11 Shila

The wait time at the public works department is usually short. I have never had to wait for a long time to be attended to.

2023-10-16 Aiman

My overall experience at the public works department was positive. I would recommend it to others.

2023-10-21 Adila

The public works department has a pleasant ambiance and decor. The interior design is modern and inviting.

2023-10-26 Syed

The public works department has a reservation system in place. It is convenient to book an appointment in advance.

2023-10-31 Hafiz

I had a personal experience with the public works department and I was satisfied with the outcome. They addressed my concerns effectively.

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