Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo

Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo is close to Mukah, Mukah, Mukah Division, Sarawak

  • Address: 96400 Mukah, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 2.9016244, 112.0934093

Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 8 AM 5 PM
Tuesday 8 AM 5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM 5 PM
Thursday 8 AM 5 PM
Friday 8 AM 5 PM
Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo reviews
2023-10-14 Ahmad

The Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo provides excellent value for money. The prices for their services are reasonable and affordable.

2023-10-14 Siti

The wait time at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo is usually quite short. You don't have to wait for a long time to receive their services.

2023-10-14 Mohamad

My overall experience with the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo was pleasant. The staff were helpful and the services were good.

2023-10-29 Nurul

The ambiance and decor at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo is simple and functional. It's not particularly fancy, but it gets the job done.

2023-11-03 Azmi

The quality of products and services provided by the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo is satisfactory. They do a decent job and it's worth the money.

2023-11-08 Fatimah

I had a positive personal experience with the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo. The staff were friendly and efficient.

2023-11-13 Khaled

The facilities and amenities at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo are decent. They have the necessary equipment and tools for their services.

2023-11-18 Aisyah

The customer service and staff at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo are helpful and knowledgeable. They answered all my questions and provided guidance.

2023-11-23 Ibrahim

My initial impression and atmosphere at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo was positive. The place was clean and well-maintained.

2023-11-28 Noraini

The Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo is known for its efficient and reliable services. I was satisfied with the work they did for me.

2023-12-03 Razif

I found the prices at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo to be quite expensive. The value for money was not great.

2023-12-08 Azura

The wait time at the Public Works Department Mukah Divisional Depo can be quite long. It's frustrating to have to wait for their services.

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