QS Dental Supply Sdn Bhd

QS Dental Supply Sdn Bhd is close to Jalan Bunga Pekan, Taman Delima, Banting, Kuala Langat, Selangor, 42700

  • Address: 253, Jalan Bunga Pekan, Taman Seri, 42700 Banting, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 16-232 9917
  • Website: qsdental.com.my
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 2.8113912, 101.4984032

QS Dental Supply Sdn Bhd, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 9 AM 6 PM
Tuesday 9 AM 6 PM
Wednesday 9 AM 6 PM
Thursday 9 AM 6 PM
Friday 9 AM 6 PM
QS Dental Supply Sdn Bhd reviews

Very responsive and responsible supplier. Will continue to support!

effective service follow up goods arrived

Marvellous service by QS. Keep it up

2023-10-07 Daniel

Very responsive and responsible supplier. Will continue to support!

2023-10-07 Michelle

Effective service follow up goods arrived

2023-10-07 John

Marvellous service by QS. Keep it up

2023-10-22 Ashley

The quality of the products/services at QS Dental Supply is excellent. I have been purchasing from them for a while now and I am always satisfied with the products I receive.

2023-10-27 William

The ambiance and decor at QS Dental Supply is clean and professional. It makes for a pleasant shopping experience.

2023-11-01 Emma

Overall, my experience with QS Dental Supply has been great. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the products are of high quality.

2023-11-06 Oliver

I have never had to wait long for my orders at QS Dental Supply. The service is efficient and I appreciate that.

2023-11-11 Sophia

QS Dental Supply offers good value for money. The prices are competitive and the quality is top-notch.

2023-11-16 Jack

My initial impression of QS Dental Supply was very positive. The store is well-stocked and the atmosphere is inviting.

2023-11-21 Lucas

I had a great personal experience at QS Dental Supply. The staff was knowledgeable and helped me find exactly what I needed.

2023-11-26 Sophie

The facilities and amenities at QS Dental Supply are modern and well-maintained. It adds to the overall shopping experience.

2023-12-01 Ethan

The customer service at QS Dental Supply is exceptional. The staff is attentive and always willing to assist.

How would you rate your experience? QS Dental Supply Sdn Bhd?
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