Simunjan District Council

Simunjan District Council is close to Simunjan District Council, Lot 805, Jalan Gedong - Simunjan, Simunjan, Simunjan, Samarahan Division, Sarawak, 94800

  • Address: New Service Centre, Gunong Ngeli, 94800 Simunjan, Sarawak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 82-803 610
  • Website:
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.3624472, 110.7926391

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Simunjan District Council reviews
2023-09-27 Zahirah

The staff at Simunjan District Council were very helpful and accommodating. They provided excellent customer service overall.

2023-09-27 Adnan

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of Simunjan District Council. The place was clean and well-maintained.

2023-09-27 Nurul

Simunjan District Council offers great value for money. Their services are affordable and of good quality.

2023-10-12 Faisal

I had a personal experience visiting Simunjan District Council and it was a positive one. The staff were friendly and assisted me promptly.

2023-10-17 Siti

My overall experience at Simunjan District Council was great. The facilities were well-maintained and the staff were professional.

2023-10-22 Hasan

The wait time and reservations process at Simunjan District Council was efficient. I didn't have to wait long for my turn.

2023-10-27 Zulaikha

I was satisfied with the quality of products/services at Simunjan District Council. They met my expectations.

2023-11-01 Imran

The ambiance and decor at Simunjan District Council were pleasant. It had a welcoming atmosphere.

2023-11-06 Afiq

Simunjan District Council provides good facilities and amenities. They have all the necessary resources for a comfortable experience.

2023-11-11 Nabila

The staff at Simunjan District Council were friendly and helpful. They provided excellent customer service throughout my visit.

2023-11-16 Rizwan

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere of Simunjan District Council. It was clean and well-organized.

2023-11-21 Nadia

Simunjan District Council offers good value for money. Their services are affordable and of satisfactory quality.

How would you rate your experience? Simunjan District Council?
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