Sjk (c) Min Nam

Sjk (c) Min Nam is close to Kampung Batu Ara, Kampung Ranggut Besar, Kuala Teriang, Langkawi, Kedah

  • Address: Sjk (c) Min Nam, 07000 Langkawi, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 4-953 1887
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 6.36482, 99.71399

Sjk (c) Min Nam, opening hours today

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Sjk (c) Min Nam reviews

SJKC Min Nam will celebrate the 100th anniversary in year 2024. Hopefully all former students return to school to give a hand in school development. Please call 049531887 for further information. Thanks..

A small furious Chinese school with few students and dedicated teachers.

Basically a Chinese primary school

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