SK Sungai Menghulu

SK Sungai Menghulu is close to Langkawi, Kedah, 07000

  • Address: SK Sungai Menghulu, Jalan Batu Asah, 07000 Langkawi, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 4-969 3031
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 6.334975, 99.8189049

SK Sungai Menghulu, opening hours today

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SK Sungai Menghulu reviews

Primary school. Nice and secure place for kids

Primary and Secondary School. Nice environment.

the old my school

2023-09-23 Lim

Nice and secure place for kids.

2023-09-23 Lee

Nice environment.

2023-09-23 Tan

The old my school.

2023-10-08 Chen

Great facilities and amenities.

2023-10-13 Wong

Good customer service and staff.

2023-10-18 Ng

Overall a positive experience.

2023-10-23 Lau

Average quality of products/services.

2023-10-28 Lim

Value for money.

2023-11-02 Chong

Nice ambiance and decor.

2023-11-07 Goh

Long wait time and reservations required.

2023-11-12 Tan

Friendly and helpful staff.

2023-11-17 Teoh

Good initial impression and atmosphere.

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