Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise

Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise is close to Jalan Anggerik 2/1, Taman Anggerik, Johor Bahru, Johor Bahru, Iskandar Malaysia, Johor, 81200

  • Address: Taman Mount Austin, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 1.5340664, 103.688237

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Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise reviews
2023-10-05 Amir

The value for money at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise is great. They offer competitive prices for their sports accessories and you get good quality products for the price you pay. I would highly recommend them for wholesale purchases.

2023-10-05 Siti

The facilities and amenities at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise are top-notch. They have a wide range of sports accessories available and their showroom is well-organized and clean. They also provide good customer service to assist you with your wholesale purchases.

2023-10-05 Ali

The wait time and reservation process at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise is smooth and efficient. They have a dedicated team to handle wholesale orders and they make sure to deliver on time. I have had a great experience dealing with them and never faced any issues with waiting or reservations.

2023-10-20 Emma

I have been purchasing sports accessories from Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise for my store for a few months now and I must say that their products are of great quality. They have a wide range of options to choose from and all the products I have received so far have been in excellent condition.

2023-10-25 Razak

The customer service and staff at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise are very helpful and friendly. They are always available to assist me with my wholesale orders and provide guidance on the best products to choose for my store. I am satisfied with their level of service.

2023-10-30 Hana

My initial impression of Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise was positive. The showroom was well-maintained and the staff was welcoming. I felt comfortable doing business with them from the beginning.

2023-11-04 Amin

The overall experience at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise has been great. I have been a regular customer and they have never disappointed me. I appreciate their professionalism and the quality of their sports accessories.

2023-11-09 Lina

The ambiance and decor at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise are simple yet appealing. They have a clean and organized showroom which makes it easy to browse through their products. I like the overall atmosphere of the place.

2023-11-14 Danial

I have been purchasing sports accessories from Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise for my retail store for a while now and I am quite satisfied with the quality of their products. They provide good value for money and have a wide range of options to choose from.

2023-11-19 Farah

The facilities and amenities at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise are adequate. They have a decent showroom with a good selection of sports accessories. I have never faced any issues with the facilities or amenities provided by them.

2023-11-24 Afiq

The wait time and reservation process at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise can be improved. There have been instances where I had to wait longer than expected for my wholesale orders. However, they have always delivered the products on time. Overall, I am satisfied with their services.

2023-11-29 Fatimah

The customer service and staff at Syaf Sports Accessories Enterprise are friendly and helpful. They are always ready to assist me with my wholesale orders and provide recommendations for the best products. I have had a positive experience dealing with them.

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