Tapah Prison

Tapah Prison is close to Tapah Prison, Jalan Stesen, Kampung Changkat Dermawan, Tapah Road, Batang Padang, Perak, 35400

  • Address: KM 12,Tapah Road, 35400, Perak, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 5-418 1818
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 4.1555964, 101.172189

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Tapah Prison reviews
2023-09-23 Ahmad

The ambiance and decor of Tapah Prison is very dull and depressing. The walls are old and have peeling paint. It feels like you're in a dungeon.

2023-09-23 Nurul

The customer service at Tapah Prison is terrible. The staff are rude and unhelpful. They treat the prisoners and visitors with disrespect.

2023-09-23 Hafiz

The value for money at Tapah Prison is decent. The facilities and amenities are basic but functional. It's not luxurious but you get what you pay for.

2023-10-08 Siti

My personal experience at Tapah Prison was not pleasant. The guards were intimidating and the overall atmosphere was very tense.

2023-10-13 Razif

The wait time at Tapah Prison is quite long. It took hours for me to get through all the security checks and procedures.

2023-10-18 Aisyah

The facilities at Tapah Prison are very basic. The cells are small and cramped, with just a bed and a toilet. There's no privacy.

2023-10-23 Zul

The quality of the services at Tapah Prison is subpar. The food is bland and tasteless, and the medical care is inadequate.

2023-10-28 Fatin

Overall, my experience at Tapah Prison was awful. The staff were unprofessional and the conditions were inhumane.

2023-11-02 Imran

The initial impression of Tapah Prison is quite intimidating. The high walls and barbed wire make it feel like a fortress.

2023-11-07 Sara

The atmosphere at Tapah Prison is very somber and depressing. The prisoners look miserable and there's a constant feeling of tension.

2023-11-12 Hasan

The customer service at Tapah Prison is average. Some of the staff are helpful and friendly, while others are rude and unprofessional.

2023-11-17 Zara

The value for money at Tapah Prison is good. The facilities are clean and well-maintained, and the security measures are strict.

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