White Rabbit Textiles Sdn. Bhd.

White Rabbit Textiles Sdn. Bhd. is close to Jalan Memanda 5, Ampang Point, Ampang, Ampang Jaya Municipal Council, Hulu Langat, Selangor, 68000

  • Address: 12, Third Floor, Jalan Mamanda 5, Taman Dato Ahmad Razali, Ampang, 68000, Ampang, Selangor, 68000, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 3-4252 1101
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 3.1584532, 101.749975

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White Rabbit Textiles Sdn. Bhd. reviews
2023-10-01 Nurul

Overall Experience: I had a great experience visiting White Rabbit Textiles. The staff were friendly and helpful, and the atmosphere was pleasant.

2023-10-01 Amir

Initial Impression and Atmosphere: When I first entered the textile mill, I was impressed by the clean and organized layout of the facility. The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, which made it a pleasant place to visit.

2023-10-01 Siti

Personal experiences: I had the opportunity to see the production process of the textiles at White Rabbit Textiles. It was fascinating to see how the raw materials were transformed into beautiful fabrics. I also enjoyed browsing through their collection of finished products.

2023-10-16 Ahmad

Wait Time and Reservations: I didn't have to wait long to enter the textile mill as there were not many visitors when I went. I did not need to make any reservations beforehand.

2023-10-21 Sara

Facilities and Amenities: The facilities at White Rabbit Textiles were excellent. They had clean restrooms and a comfortable seating area where visitors could take a break. They also had a small café where you could grab a snack or a coffee.

2023-10-26 Muhammad

Customer Service and Staff: The staff at White Rabbit Textiles were friendly and knowledgeable. They were able to answer all my questions and even recommended some products that I might be interested in. Overall, I was very satisfied with the customer service.

2023-10-31 Zara

Quality of Products/Services: The quality of the textiles at White Rabbit Textiles was exceptional. The fabrics were soft and durable, and the colors were vibrant. I purchased a few items and have been very happy with them.

2023-11-05 Hafiz

Ambiance and Decor: The textile mill had a modern and clean design. The decor was minimalistic yet stylish, which added to the overall ambiance of the place.

2023-11-10 Ain

Value for Money: I found the prices at White Rabbit Textiles to be reasonable for the quality of the products. I felt like I was getting good value for my money.

2023-11-15 Ali

Overall Experience: My visit to White Rabbit Textiles was enjoyable. The staff were friendly and the atmosphere was relaxed. I would definitely recommend it to others.

2023-11-20 Fatin

Wait Time and Reservations: I had made a reservation before visiting White Rabbit Textiles and I was promptly attended to upon arrival. The wait time was minimal and I appreciated the efficiency.

2023-11-25 Ismail

Facilities and Amenities: The facilities at White Rabbit Textiles were clean and well-maintained. They had a spacious parking area and the restrooms were tidy. Overall, I was satisfied with the amenities provided.

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