Zontron Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd

Zontron Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd is close to Lorong IKS Simpang Ampat B, Taman IKS Simpang Empat, Simpang Ampat, South Seberang Perai District, Seberang Perai, Penang, 14100

  • Address: 14100 Lot 10 &, Lorong Iks Simpang Ampat J, Taman Iks Simpang Ampat, 14100 Simpang Ampat, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
  • Phone: +60 4-588 0519
  • Latitude, Longtitude: 5.2634458, 100.475541

Zontron Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd, opening hours today

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Zontron Pharmaceuticals Sdn Bhd reviews

Bad Company - Didn't pay Salary. They will Twist the story to not pay claim and salary. What a Fraud company. Please dont waste your time working in this bad reputation company. Thank you.

No security guard.

2023-09-13 John

Bad Company - Didn't pay Salary. They will Twist the story to not pay claim and salary. What a Fraud company. Please dont waste your time working in this bad reputation company. Thank you.

2023-09-13 Megan

No security guard.

2023-09-13 Sarah

They take beautiful pictures.

2023-09-28 James

The customer service staff was very helpful and friendly. They answered all my questions and made sure I had a great experience.

2023-10-03 Emily

The facilities and amenities provided by the company were top-notch. I felt comfortable and well taken care of during my visit.

2023-10-08 Daniel

I was impressed by the initial impression and atmosphere of the company. It felt professional and welcoming.

2023-10-13 Olivia

The ambiance and decor of the company were very pleasing. It created a pleasant environment for my visit.

2023-10-18 Michael

The quality of products/services provided by the company exceeded my expectations. I was very satisfied with my experience.

2023-10-23 Sophia

The wait time and reservations process was efficient and well-managed. I didn't have to wait long for my appointment.

2023-10-28 Benjamin

The overall experience at the company was positive. I would highly recommend it to others.

2023-11-02 Ava

The value for money at the company was reasonable. I felt like I received a good return on my investment.

2023-11-07 Ethan

The company is a fraud and should be avoided. They will manipulate the situation to avoid paying salary and claims.

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